
A Meandering Path

At Meander we design gardens to enjoy our living world. We encourage eyes to see what is missed in a technology-tethered world. When emotional demands press for time to relax and renew, gardens encourages rest. Children and all folk learn more about themselves.

We emphasize the Meander. The original essence of a meander was a curved river or path, with the pattern of winding or intertwining. Not the shortest distance between point A and point B.  Meandering paths can flow through an intimate garden or a large geographical area.

While designers suggest ‘elements,’ we also conceive of space, textures, forms and plant groups in their entirety.  Perspectives and context matter as well.

You can view some of my works at

For ideas and photos of garden forms, styles, textures, spaces, curves, pathways, plants, enter the gallery.

Contact us for an  introductory consultation!